IATS® Code of Conduct for Members
This code sets out the professional standards required of TheraPlate Specialists® as a condition of membership.
Any breach of the Code of Conduct bought to the attention of the association will be considered under the associations disciplinary procedures.
You should also ensure that you notify the Association of any violation of the code by another member.

Code of Conduct
You will abide by the current Veterinary Surgeons Act. You will only carry out treatment to an animal under veterinary referral. Referral will always be requested and granted before any treatment commences. International members shall research the legislation in their country and ensure that they work under the law.
You will always be fully covered by insurance. Your membership to IATS® is void if you do not carry the correct insurance.
You will not diagnose a condition or profess to use diagnostic techniques.
You will always refer back to the veterinary surgeon if you notice any symptoms that were not present when you started treatment or if you feel that your case has deteriorated.
You will uphold the reputation and good standing of the Association and the profession in general.
You shall not misrepresent yourself as trained in a field that you are not. You will stay within your remit and work only under the title under which you are qualified.
You shall seek to improve and maintain professional standards.
You will attend regular CPD in subjects related to animal therapy and share your knowledge, where possible with fellow members.
You should encourage and support fellow members in their professional development, and where possible, provide opportunities for the professional development of new members.
You will act with integrity in your relationships with fellow members, Veterinary Surgeons, paraprofessionals and others with whom you work in a professional capacity.
You will uphold the ethos of the association that all paraprofessionals should work together for the good of the animal.
You will not disclose the names and details of clients and their animals to others, without their express permission.
You will accept professional responsibility for your work and for the work of colleagues who are working under your supervision.
You will promote IATS® where possible and work for the good of the association as a whole.
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IATS® standardises practices amongst TheraPlate professionals, offering the "gold standard" in training. IATS® members are qualified and insured.
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